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Why Use Assessments?

"Leading-edge companies are increasingly adopting sophisticated methods of analyzing employee data to enhance their competitive advantage. Google, Best Buy, Sysco and others are beginning to understand exactly how to ensure the highest productivity, engagement and retention of top talent, then replicating their successes. If you want better performance from your top employees, (who are perhaps your greatest asset and your largest expense,) you’ll do well to favor analytics over your gut instincts."

~ Harvard Business Review, October 2010

With the emergences of .com job searches, it has become hugely challenging for businesses to find (and keep) qualified and talented people. The emergences of web-based job search resources have helped create a fluid workforce capable of constantly searching for that next perfect job. According to the International Management Association, average churn rates have jumped by more than 14 percent in just the last decade — and that number continues to climb.

Employers can combat this trend — while saving both time and money — by enlisting online assessments to accurately qualify job applicants, build "A" teams for special projects, determine informed promotions, identify communication deficits and more. Simply stated, quality, science-supported online assessments can ensure that a company eliminates risk while optimizing its greatest potential attribute: human capital.

Assessments work by measuring a variety of criteria: intellectual ability, achievement motivation, skill proficiency, work styles, personality characteristics, and personal values. Assessments are a first step toward establishing a solvent bedrock of talent for any company.

Likewise, our assessments give employees an opportunity to learn something about themselves, with the goals of self-improvement, personality enrichment and enhancement of their workplace relationships.

We offer assessment tools where there are no apparent "right" or "wrong" answers. Employees participate freely because they know they will not pass or fail, but merely increase the likelihood of their own professional happiness. A good assessment is designed in-part to increase employees' awareness of their behavioral tendencies in relation to how they interact with others. Our assessment systems come with support materials and action plans to help employees and management maximize positive outcomes.

Quality assessments are malleable, capable of optimization for the complete professional spectrum: customer service, vocational, technical, sales, management or executive. It's important for employees to have the necessary skills to demonstrate the attitudes and behaviors that would enable them to succeed within each company's unique environment.

For decades, the businesses that have relied on our assessments recognize that these are powerful resources capable of transforming company culture and profitability with uncanny speed. The benefits of using assessments can be profound:

  • Unparalleled accuracy in hiring and selection
  • Higher employee morale
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased employee sense of well-being
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Reduced training costs
  • Reduced time investments
  • Increased bottom line due to better employee service to customers
  • More effective team building
  • More accurate promotions

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