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Executive Summary Selection

Developed over 25 years, the Executive Summary is an analytical human-performance instrument designed to provide some key performance insights to help personnel make more informed hiring & selection decisions. This multi-dimensional tool demystifies and offers some clarity into the elements of human performance providing decision-makers with insights that may not be readily seen in an interview without further discussion and exploration.

Each Executive Summary provides users with an easy-to-read short report, condensed from a comprehensive 54-page analysis on the candidate. This analysis draws upon:

  • Dr. Robert S. Hartman’s Nobel-nominated research that measures the level of an individual’s critical-thinking and decision-making capacity
  • Harvard studies into internal human motivation
  • An integrated DISC communication style analysis, derived from over 65-years of non-stop empirical research.

Best of all, each report closes with an integrated overview summary, which provides decision-makers with a specific performance synopsis of the candidate that includes screening, hiring and promotional recommendations. This also highlights the candidate’s self-selected primary hierarchy of internal motivators, their communication and behavioral style, and insight into the strengths and values they perceive they can bring to an organization.

In addition, the report simultaneously shares those areas in which the candidate may need support or development, as well as those areas in which they will likely thrive. The report gathers the data to assess and explore each candidate's chemistry and compatibility with an existing team as defined by the client’s benchmark design In short, each Executive Summary provides specific performance insight — not merely disconnected data points that business coaches and consultants are often left to interpret on their own.

Built upon validated performance science, the Executive Summary will provide decision-makers an instrument to help identify more effectively a candidate's tendencies in thinking, motivation and behavior that are not always revealed during the interview. The goal is to begin dramatically reducing costly and frustrating hiring errors that have often played a part of the selection, promotion and succession planning processes of the past.

By measuring and scoring some universal core functions, job-related competencies and attitudes of each candidate, job fit can be explored in each of these four job categories:

  • Leadership and Management
  • Sales and Business Development
  • Customer Service
  • General and Administrative

In short, this revolutionary instrument identifies many factors integral to human performance while exploring a candidate's likelihood to deliver results based upon their knowledge, skill set and more.

The Executive Summary - Introduction (4 min)

Sample Reports

Executive Summary - General (Sample Report)


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