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Sales Optimization Workshop

Sales Optimization

One of DISC’s most intriguing applications is leveraging its behavioral profiling and adaptability methodology for sales. After all, it’s a well established fact that buyers are more likely to do business with sales professionals they can relate and identify with. During the Sales Optimization course, our workshop leaders will begin by teaching participants about the basics of DISC: first understanding their own behavioral styles and then how to identify the behavioral styles of others - even within moments of meeting them.

Being able to efficiently identify the behavioral styles of others, empowers professionals with the insights to adapt their communicative “selling style”, to meet the communicative “buying style” of their prospect. But as any seasoned sales professional will tell you, winning a new client is really just the beginning of the professional selling process. Building and maintaining your relationships is critical for sustained, reciprocal sales success. So participants will also learn how to strengthen these relationships, in order to transform buyers into brand advocates. Other topics covered in this course include: identifying client needs, managing client expectations and a complete exploration of the sales process from A to Z. 

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