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Transitioning from Peer to Leader Workshop

Transitioning from Peer to Leader

The belief, “employees don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses” may never pose a greater risk than during times of individual employee elevation, and the inevitable interpersonal dynamic-shifts that can accompany it. Transitioning from Peer to Leader is a course tailor-made for participants in transition from individual contributors to leaders - whether it be supervisor, manager or executive. Our workshop leaders will guide newly minted managers through an engaging leadership course, centered around understanding successful leaders’ many-faceted roles and responsibilities. Participants will be prepared for commonplace social changes, how to circumnavigate employee stressors by employing DISC communication skills, and how to effectively communicate performance objectives. Lastly, participants will receive guidance in developing action plans to apply what they’ve learned. Transitioning from Peer to Leader may begin with a promotion, but it requires far more than just adapting to a new job.

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