Don’t Let Blind Spots Ruin Your Career
Aug 15, 2018"Kevin McCarthy was blindsided with a conspiracy and mail fraud charge and prison sentence. Today, he tells his story to help leaders recognize their biases and blind spots before it’s too late."
Every time I speak at a conference as the opening or closing keynote or facilitate BlindSpot Zone seminars for different organizations I am reminded of the importance of being aware of our blind spots. Of course, it is easy to understand with 20/20 hindsight. I wish I would have known then what I understand now about the blind spots that impact the quality of our decisions. Herein lies the problem.
When we are in The BlindSpot Zone™, we are largely unaware. We believe our perceptions and interpretation of reality is, in fact, reality. This is not always the case. So often we don't realize this until it is too late. We look back on our decisions and behavior and think, "I didn't see that coming". Welcome to The BlindSpot Zone™.
Click here to read the rest of the article in Financial Executives International's FEI Daily.
What are your leadership blind spots? Free assessment reveals all. Find out at www.BlindSpots.com.
Kevin McCarthy, author of the bestselling book: BlindSpots – Why Good People Make Bad Choices, and holds the highest certification recognized globally by the speaking industry, the Certified Speaking Professional. Kevin and his team expose the invisible barriers that impact culture, operations, training, service and leadership.
Sample the Blind Spots Inventory Assessment to see how you can identify the blind spots that are impacting revenues.
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