limiting beliefs, barriers to success, Kevin McCarthy, Likky Lavji

How Do We Change Our Limiting Beliefs?

Apr 01, 2023


Awareness Advantage Podcast
How Do We Change Our Limiting Beliefs

Kevin McCarthy, and Likky Lavji

A limiting belief is a belief or thought that a person holds about themselves, others, or the world that creates self-imposed barriers or limitations on what they can achieve or how they can behave. These beliefs can be formed from a variety of sources such as past experiences, upbringing, cultural or societal conditioning, or even just one's own negative self-talk.
Changing limiting beliefs requires a deliberate and conscious effort, but it is definitely possible. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Identify your limiting beliefs: Start by identifying the beliefs that are holding you back. What are the thoughts that come to mind when you think about your limitations? Write them down and be specific.
  2. Challenge your beliefs: Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, examine them objectively. Ask yourself, "Is this belief really true? What evidence do I have to support it?" Try to look at your beliefs from different perspectives and consider alternative viewpoints.
  3. Replace your limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs: After challenging your limiting beliefs, replace them with empowering beliefs. For example, if you believe that you're not smart enough to succeed, replace that belief with the thought that "I am capable of learning and improving."
  4. Repeat new empowering beliefs: Repeat these new empowering beliefs to yourself on a regular basis until they become your new default way of thinking.
  5. Take action: Finally, take action to reinforce your new beliefs. Start doing things that align with your new beliefs. Take small steps towards your goals and celebrate your progress along the way. This will help you build confidence and reinforce your new empowering beliefs.

Limiting beliefs can be deeply ingrained and can hold a person back from achieving their full potential or living their best life. Examples of limiting beliefs might include thoughts like "I'm not good enough," "I don't have what it takes," or "I'm not smart enough to succeed." These beliefs can create a negative self-image and may cause a person to avoid taking risks or pursuing their goals and dreams.

It's important to recognize and challenge limiting beliefs in order to overcome them and reach one's full potential. This can involve identifying the source of the belief, reframing negative self-talk, seeking out positive affirmations, and taking small steps towards personal growth and achievement.

Remember, changing limiting beliefs is a process, so be patient with yourself and keep working at it. With time and effort, you can overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve your full potential.

Raising your self-awareness and emotional intelligence will make you a better leader. High self-awareness equips you to identify and conquer the blind spots that lead to poor decisions, strained relationships and high levels of stress. Awareness is the leader’s superpower that drives engagement, inspires retention and shifts culture. Awareness gives you the advantage you need to influence and inspire the people you lead.



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