communicating, expectations, Meghan Wier, Likky Lavji, Kevin McCarthy

Communicating Expectations

communicating Apr 02, 2023


Awareness Advantage Podcast
The Power of Clear Communication

Kevin McCarthy, and Likky Lavji

Communication is a fundamental part of any successful relationship. When we communicate effectively with others, we build trust, strengthen our connections, and achieve our goals more easily. One key aspect of communication that is often overlooked, however, is the importance of clearly defining our expectations in our relationships. Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a professional collaboration, having well-defined expectations can help to avoid misunderstandings, promote accountability, and ultimately lead to a more fulfilling relationship.

Defining expectations can be challenging, especially when we're dealing with complex emotions and interpersonal dynamics. It can be tempting to assume that others know what we want or need, or to avoid difficult conversations that might lead to conflict. But the truth is, clear communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. By defining our expectations upfront, we can avoid misunderstandings and work together more effectively towards our shared goals.

So, what does it mean to define expectations in a relationship? Essentially, it means taking the time to clearly articulate what we want, need, and expect from our partner or collaborator. This can include things like our communication style, our preferred methods of conflict resolution, our expectations around time and availability, and our shared goals and values. When we're clear about these things from the outset, we can avoid confusion and disappointment down the line.

Of course, defining expectations is only part of the equation. It's also important to listen actively to our partner's needs and preferences, and to be open to feedback and compromise. By working together to establish a shared set of expectations, we can build trust and respect in our relationships, and create a strong foundation for growth and success.

In conclusion, clear communication is the key to any successful relationship. By taking the time to define our expectations and work collaboratively with our partners and collaborators, we can build trust, avoid misunderstandings, and achieve our goals more effectively. So don't be afraid to have those difficult conversations – in the end, the rewards of clear communication will be well worth the effort.


Raising your self-awareness and emotional intelligence will make you a better leader. High self-awareness equips you to identify and conquer the blind spots that lead to poor decisions, strained relationships and high levels of stress. Awareness is the leader’s superpower that drives engagement, inspires retention and shifts culture. Awareness gives you the advantage you need to influence and inspire the people you lead.


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